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What You Cannot Say


What you cannot say will find a way to speak in one hundred different and distorted languages through you.

And too often, it will speak against your deepest conscious and soulful desires.

But when you are able to be heard and received and validated and recognized in your embodied truth as it exists in you right now, without interpretation, something happens. Once you are truly heard and seen, you don’t have to ache just to be heard anymore. A stuck pain, a grief, has somehow been honored and witnessed. That very act is self-honoring. It says my experience matters. Something lets go of you. It lets go, just enough.

It’s alchemical and it’s paradoxical and it happens slowly and all at once. Truth opens and expands to hold more dimension, nuance, and possibility. Truth lets more light in. Truth moves for and with you, towards where you are going, not where you’ve been.

And suddenly, where you are able to let yourself go expands, how much YOU is allowed to be here in your body expands. You are not only able to hold more visions, but also more able to inhabit what you can imagine.

So often, what you need to be able to say (and often think you cannot) is what you ache in your being to get out of the way of living more fully into who you are.

THIS is one of the reasons we circle together as women. When we gather to say anything, we divest the power of our stories and reclaim our life as our own.

Our next women's retreat circle comes together in Guatemala this August. I look forward to gathering with you.

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