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If you're disconnecting with intuition, this will happen.


When you are disconnecting from intuition, you live externally in some way which is not coherent with your deep inner truth. But how will you know?

If you're honest, you will see that your inner truth and your outer choices (discernment) are not lining up. That relationship, that job, that friendship dynamic, that substance, that belief system, that victimhood identity - is NOT working for you in terms of your emotional-spiritual-physical-mental health, your fulfillment, or your authenticity. Not anymore. 

But yet, you're still choosing it. You talk yourself into why. Or you numb yourself to the "what if?" You continue to manipulate yourself into continuing, while you mute and ignore all the ways your soul is trying to hail you.

Here is what a woman often does when choosing or staying inside of any dynamic that goes against her inner being and deepest knowing....

1) You rationalize and justify why you have to go against your deep inner knowing. Often, this involves a significant amount of cultural conditioning or a fantasy that is incongruent with the base reality of the experience.

2) You diminish the weight and significance of your own feelings, needs, and knowing. (We can weaponize self-reflection against ourselves, when it’s not partnered with an equally strong self-respect of our embodied experience.) 

3) You try to “manage” the body’s alarm signals - contraction, stress, anxiety, low energy, body pain, depression, illness - that have begun or increased with this context, rather than confront what is underneath those signals!

4) You give more value, compassion, and validation to the context or belief system or fear (or to other person) than you give your own body and soul truth. This is how we make our "pain" more important than our "truth."

Believe me, I’ve done all of it. And every time I've done it, I got farther away from myself in ALL parts of my life. If you are lying to yourself anywhere, it touches upon everything. 

When you are committed to living intuitively, you stay connected to your inner truthfulness, and your inner truthfulness discerns what you do and where you put your energy. AND it also expands your possibilities. 

Retrieving your intuition and your truth is the stuff of reclaiming your life, your vibrancy, your radiance. Nothing is worth more than that. Nothing - and I mean nothing - is worth giving up that connection for. 

We begin INTUITIVE: 30 Days of Reconnecting With Intuition on Sept 9th! 30 days of inspiration and writing prompts, four weeks of live writing circles, two embodiment sessions, weekly embodiment practices, and more. Now is the time to align your life with your true inner knowing.





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