Her story is a deep urge for union yet being bound in relationship struggles that hold her apart from the love she seeks. In Juno lies the invitation to commit to our relationships as mirrors towards wholeness - to let them show us where we contract, where we act and react unconsciously from fear, where our walls stand, where we manipulate to meet our needs, where our passion lies. To do this even when it's uncomfortable to see and because it asks us to be more Love. She asks us to come back to greater wholeness within to experience more expansive Love and Union in relationship. * Her story is to roam in despair when she loses what she wanted to hold onto, until through loss and change she experiences that cycles are in fact her very Nature. In Demeter lies the invitation to recognize that when we feel we have lost ourselves, when the meaning has drained from the surface of our lives, some part of us has gone underground in incubation. Often we must wait for her to resurface, knowing she will bring back with her more of our life energy, a new spring. She asks us to honor the nature cycles within that allow us to rebirth again and again into Living more of who we are. * Her story is one of keeping her voice of astute wisdom at the table by closing herself off from vulnerability and quieting the intuition of her older, wilder feminine roots. In Athena lies the invitation to recognize that wherever we have armored ourselves to remain safe, we have severed ourselves from something even more powerful and innately wise in our innateness. She asks us to lay down the many shields we have carried and reunite our power with the wild heartbeat of the Feminine. * Her story is being keeper of the most sacred flame and 'whole onto herself', knowing her body was once a sacred conduit to the divine. In Vesta lies the invitation to recognize the divinity of our deepest desires and hold as holy the vow with Self. And to reintegrate that it's the deep knowing within our feminine bodies that guides us back to our sacred fire again and again. She asks us to honor the fire that burns within and our bodies as sacred and sexual and creative channels of divinity. * Each myth holds the power of energies alive within us, both validating our experience and extending invitations towards healing and growth. Her story is one of (hers, yours, mine)...could be finished a thousand ways. The question is, what will her story touch in you? Return to Your Sacred Feminine Retreat, Sept 10-15, 2020, Seven Springs