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"Never mourn the mango..."

Aimee Hansen

"Never mourn the mango while you're still eating it."

Once when speaking about how much I would miss someone who I was still near to, my friend Sara told me these words that a friend had shared with her. And ever since she told me those words, whenever either of us began to feel the sense of not wanting to let go, of wanting to hold onto this moment, these people, this place, anything or anyone, we have both playfully pined, "mango."

What it does, really - every time we say it - is to wake us up once again to how much we love all of the magic that is constantly reappearing. It throws us back into the lens of the magic.

It's actually been mango season lately in Guatemala. It's also been the season of beauty with close friends. Well, really, it has been the whole time. And always is.

But what I have observed in myself is that over the past six months, I've poured more attention, love, time and presence into the sphere of my connections.

Sharing presence with those who I adore and appreciate and find mutually enlivening has become an increasing priority for me. In how I dedicate my energy, I've been living my truth that the shared beauty of moments in my life matter the most to me.

I've been at least as receptive as I am productive, and my life has been lived more moment to moment, and less based on my "to do" list.

Sometimes, we do miss what we've enjoyed, and I'm grateful to have so much to love. But here, in this very alive heart, there's rarely a moment to mourn.

More and more, I've been allowing my energy to flow into and towards whatever lights me up.

So I recently have decided to take the opportunity to seize the open moments in life by traveling around Mexico for some weeks prior to the July retreat, stretch my legs out again for a while.

It's been something I've been thinking about doing, and it feels so good to take that intention and now put it into action.

It always feels so damn good to put intention into action, doesn't it? What intention are you putting into action now? Much love xoxo


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