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 Ready to reconnect with your inner guidance? 


 30 Days of Reconnecting With Intuition 

September 9th - October 8th, 2024 
$222 intuitive leap offer!
(Registration open until Sept 11, 2024)

Forget everything you've been told about intuition. 
- It's not an elusive and mysterious encounter that happens rarely. 
- It's not something only certain personality profiles, design types, or astrological signs have access to.
- It's not just a voice that occasionally swoops in to keep you out of danger.
- It's not a verbal or mental experience (though it may translate as such).
- It's not something you can effort at or do harder.
- It's not something you can ever lose entirely, nor ever possess either.
It's not bound to your personal will, darling.
- It's not an experience: it's a frequency. 

- It's not only between you and your higher self, but an interwoven network. 

will walk you back to your feminine birthright of
intuition. Our 
intention is to make intuition so damn
that you become aware of a subtle guiding
connection that's always available if you attune
to the frequency from withinAnd so damn elevating as a way
engaging with your life and yourself that you commit
to the relationship of intuitive listening.

What if you gave up on being entirely at the steering wheel?

What if you surrendered knowing exactly what is the highest, most fulfilling dream for you?

What if you softened into receptivity?

What if intuition is a gentle sway of the soul?

What if it can be ordinary and mundane?

 What if you could start noticing how your intuition is sending you signals, messages, and signs all the time?

What if you could recognize that intuition talks through bodily sensations, context, energy levels, tingly inspirations, serendipity, connections, and leanings of your being?  

What if you could see what is blocking you from receiving your intuition? What if you realized how you shut it out?

What if you allowed intuition to enchant your daily experience and guide how you move?

What if you approached
 intuition as a committed relationship and a way of engaging with life?

What if you open to "in(ter)tuition" between you and all resonant energies?

Just how much more magical and soulful could this whole crazy ride become, love?

What do you get as part of this experience? 
  • Daily inspired audio musings and writing prompts (for 30 consecutive days)
  • Interactive community space in which to share writing to daily prompts, interact a lot or a little!
  • Weekly 1.5 hour live writing and sharing circles (four weeks, I will give you two chances to catch the live circle, join ONE weekly, either Weds 6pm EST OR Sat 10am EST)
  • Two 1 hour live intuitive embodiment sessions with Jessica Basken (Thurs 4pm EST).
  • Weekly inspired audio embodiment practice from Jessica Basken 
  • * Surprise guest session on esoteric intuitive practice*
  • * Optional offer to access 1-on-1 private session with Aimee (one hour) $101
How will you access it?
  • Live sessions will take place on Zoom.
  • Recordings will be available of writing themes & prompts if you miss live circles (sharing remains confidential to circle space). Somatic sessions will also be recorded.
  • Daily audio inspiration and writing prompts and community space will be delivered and hosted via a Telegram group, available as an app on your phone and desktop. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

Aimee Hansen


I'm the creator of Storyteller Within. I'm an intuitive Pisces. I'm a sacral authority. I live my life through following gut intuition and heart-centered awareness, repeatedly returning to that space (and my aliveness), when I forget. And I forget, so I can remember, more profoundly. 


Because frankly, intuition and divine guidance are far better guides towards the fulfillment of what lights me up! I've learned this (iteratively) each time I've tried to grab the wheel through exertion, fear, scarcity, self-dominance or desire hunger. I only ever end up farther from myself, whereas intuition and divine guidance not only lead me back to myself, but to becoming more of who I am. Life becomes a more expansive adventure.


Intuition has led me to take my first plane at 21 years old to London, where I could come to live for nearly a decade. Intuition has made me leap from jobs without a place to land in, because I am meant to create the landing which will birth more of me. Intuition has led me to decisions that attracted long-term relationships to me from across the world, twice.


Intuition guided me to Guatemala in 2012. Intuition inspired me to leap from a single two hour circle to offering week long retreats. Intuition is the core way in which I facilitate the Journey Into Sacred Expression Women's Retreats for nine years, and increasingly more. Intuition introduced me to the co-author of my retreat journal coming out in 2025.


Intuition has also led me towards expectation shattering lessons I've needed so I could disrupt the patterns getting in my own way (and also given me the chance to pick up the signal before I did). Intuition has thrown me on the plane more than once, told me to stay put, asked me to say the impossibly to say thing, and to let go. 


I could go on... swaying with intuition is a playful enchantment of being and participating in my life, with my Self, with others, and through the mystery of guidance. Again and again, I feel in for the subtle sway of my soul. I feel it's the call towards destiny, rather than fate. 



Jessica Basken


Jessica is a mother, a moon dancer, a somatic coach and an embodied movement facilitator. Through her travels across the world, the ceremonies she has participated in and the trainings she's done, the most profound lesson she has continued to learn is that the body is home. Trusting her body is how she lives and it's what she is here to help you remember how to do, too. 




Take an Intuitive Leap And Join Now
(still available until we reach 22 women!)*

Take an Intuitive Leap !!




30 Days of Reconnecting With Intuition (Sept 9 - Oct 8, 2024)

Valid for one month

Daily inspired audio musings and writing prompts

Interactive community space for sharing writing

Weekly 1.5 hour live writing and sharing circles

Two 1 hour live intuitive embodiment sessions

Weekly inspired audio embodiment practice

* BONUS: Surprise Guest Session on Intuition

*SPECIAL RATE OFFER: on a 1-on-1 session with Aimee

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