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Thursday, September 17th - Sunday, September 20th, 2020:

Awaken Your Creative Soul - Women's Retreat Weekend
Seven Springs, Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, USA

Join us for an intimate long weekend retreat of nurturing your creative soul while soaking up autumn beauty in these Tennessee Smoky Mountains. Our spirit thrives on creative expression, so let's give ourselves the time and space to simply be still and listen — and to follow and play to the invitation of our heart.


During this weekend retreat, we’ll loosen resistance, expand awareness and experience the lightness of spontaneous soul play. We’ll practice meditation and yoga, express through writing and visual art, and we will move and dance! No experience is required and all levels are welcome.

Together we’ll re-ignite and embolden the creative spirit that lives within each of us - giving us renewed clarity, connection, and vitality to bring back into our daily lives.  

Seven Springs Yoga Shala
retreat weekend highlights
  • Inspiring location with panoramic Smoky Mountains views

  • Daily meditation & yoga practice

  • Visual art, writing, and movement self-expression circles 

  • Co-facilitated by Marianne Richmond, best-selling children’s book author/artist

  • Scenic outdoor yoga pavilion  

  • Delicious organic vegetarian meals

  • 3 nights stay in shared, charming yurts or furnished glamping

  • Break for relaxing, reflection or wandering

  • Sound ceremony 

  • 12 participants max!

"If you're alive, you're a creative person." 

- Elizabeth Gilbert


“Yes, I believe self-expression is the soul made visible.” 

- Marianne Richmond, retreat co-facilitator

creativity retreat
awaken your creative soul

How often have we blocked our own expression? Held our tongue? Hushed the muse? How many times have we dismissed ourselves as “not creative”? Or been too intimidated by a creative project to start? 


We can easily make — and often do —everything more important than allowing creativity. But our creative soul still yearns, beckoning our awareness to be heard, nourished and expressed. When we mute or dismiss our creative longing, we block divine life energy - feeling closed, dull and contracted. When we embrace it, we become more open, bright and curious.​ 


Seven Springs Yurts Tennessee
In this women's retreat, you will:
  • Gather with a beautiful circle of inspiring women who value truth, vulnerability, laughter and connection.

  • Loosen the blocks that have separated you from your creative flow. Invite back the joy of creativity.

  • Reconnect with your intuition through presence and play.

  • Open your energetic channels to insight, inspiration and freedom through meditation, writing and art.

  • Discover how to “move with the muse,” as you animate your body through yoga and dance. 

  • Return to your life inspired by your self-discovery, creative expansiveness and in awe of the magic that unfolds when women circle together.


your facilitators
Bestselling author Marianne Richmond, creator of more than 50 children's books, and Aimee Hansen, creator of Storyteller Within Retreats, will co-facilitate this inspiring retreat.

Aimee reached out to Marianne years ago and we connected through a mutual appreciation for creativity, emotion and heart-led expression. We are excited to co-create magic with you. Read more about your retreat facilitators

Marianne Richmond, Children's Books Creator
Aimee Hansen, Storyteller Within
Seven Springs Yoga Shala
smoky mountains as our muse

In the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, and amidst one of the world's most ecologically diverse regions, Seven Springs Holistic Retreat Center boasts seven natural springs on 126 acres of private land, providing spaciousness and inspiration. 


Seven Springs offers charming shared yurts & furnished glamping with comfortable beds, panoramic mountain views, 

nature walks and delicious Ayurvedic vegetarian meals amidst soul-nourishing landscapes.

Awaken Your Creative Soul Retreat
Meditation Classes
weekend flow

This gives a rough idea of our flow, which may change. Guests arrive to Seven Springs on Thursday September 17th afternoon sometime before dinner to relax and settle in. 

Thursday, Sept 17th: 
3:00pm Arrive and relax

5:00pm Evening yoga offering

6:30pm Dinner

7:30pm Opening & Expression Circle


Friday & Saturday, Sept 18th & 19th:

7:30 am: Wake-up

8:00 - 9:30 am: Medi & Yoga

9:30 -10:30 am: Breakfast

10:30 am - 1:00 pm: Creativity & Expression Circle 

(1:00 - 3:30 pm: Lunch & Break)
3:30 -  6:30: Creativity & Expression Circle

6:30 - 7:30 pm: Dinner

7:45 pm: Candlelit Creativity & Expression Circle

Campfire or Night Activity 


Sunday, Sept 20th:

7:30 am - Wake-up

8:00 - 9:30 am: Medi & Yoga

9:30 - 10:30 am: Breakfast
11:30am - 1:30 pm: Creativity & Expression Circle

1:30 - 2:00 pm: Closing Circle

2:00 pm: Lunch & Departure


Meditation and yoga will be held in the outdoor yoga pavilion, and we also have an indoor space available. Our creativity circles will rotate between outdoor and indoor spaces, as we feel called.

Delicious ayurvedic meals will be served in the outdoor kitchen area.

late summer

We will enjoy gorgeous late summer temperatures at Seven Springs in the second half of September. It's likely to be pretty warm during our days, and we recommend to bring along layers for early mornings and later evenings. We'll advise on temperature as we draw closer to the event as it can truly vary. We will start yoga once the sun has risen up over the mountains. 

Seven Springs Retreat Center

See more photos from our retreat event at Seven Springs.

planning your trip

If you have extra time, there are many beautiful activities in the surrounding areas. Located less than 25 miles from Seven Springs is the entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and several trail opportunities for hiking. 

Total Retreat Cost (All-Inclusive):

Weekend retreat (Thursday evening to Sunday afternoon)


Deposit to Reserve:
$200 USD

Shared Yurt: (2-4 people)

$722 USD 

Shared: 2-4 women per yurt.

Private Yurt Upgrade:

 +$120 USD 

Private Glamping Upgrade: 

 +$30 USD

Furnished tents, wooden platforms, solar lighting



- Daily meditation & yoga

- 8 self-expression circles (art, writing, and movement)
- Art & writing materials

- 3 nights shared accommodation at Seven Springs

- Delicious vegetarian meals & snacks

- All taxes


- Flights
- Ground transport ($10-$20 shuttle from airport)

Awaken Your Creative Soul Women's Retreat
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